January Landlord Tenant
OnDemand Education
Landlord Tenant
Knowing how to use and comply with state law that governs all rental housing operations can save time, make you money, and minimize legal difficulties. This is a must for any property owner, community manager, and leasing consultant. Time will be allocated for audience questions and answers.
Learning Goals: At the conclusion of this class, participants will be able to
- Identify and describe the laws.
- Outline the rights and responsibilities for both property owners and renters.
Denise Holliday
Denise has engaged in Landlord/Tenant practice since 1996. She is a Justice of the Peace Pro Tem and Superior Court Pro Tem. She is a certified instructor for the Arizona Multihousing Association, Department of Real Estate, Arizona Association of Realtors, Property Management Institute and National Association of Real Property Managers. She is president of ALTA since 2003 and a training instructor for the AMA and AAR since 2001. She has been a keynote speaker at hundreds legal seminars regarding Landlord/Tenant issues presented to the AMA, Association of Landlord/Tenant Attorneys, Maricopa County Justices of the Peace, Maricopa County Judge Pro Tempores, Continuing Education for Attorneys, and Co-Jet training for Judges, NARPM, AHMA, and numerous other professional associations. She also assists Law Enforcement and Property Managers with Crime Free Programs for apartment complexes.
AMA Policy: No changes, refunds, or cancellations will be permitted within 10 days of an event for attendee registrations and within 30 days for sponsorships. Dates and prices subject to change. Registration via e-mail constitutes acknowledgment of terms and conditions.