Membership Information

Select a Member Type

There are several ways to become a member of our association, so read below to see which one fits you. Still have questions? We are here to help! Call us at 602-296-6200.

Why Join The AMA

Please read the AMA's Code of Ethics prior to joining.  

Code of Ethics

Apartment Development Company

Multifamily development companies whose primary business is the development of apartment communities in Arizona are encouraged to join membership along with their communities and their management companies.  

Benefits Include: 

Annual dues are $1000 per year plus a one-time $35 application fee.  

*This membership option only extends benefits to the developer and corporate employees.  Member benefits do not extend to any properties developed with this membership option.   Once the membership application is approved, dues are nonrefundable. 

Please note: If your company joins on or after October 1st your dues payment will include a pro-rated amount for the remainder of the given year plus the next years dues.

Join as Apartment Development Company

Independent Rental Owner (IRO)

If you own and manage single family homes, duplexes, triplexes, or scattered site homes in Arizona without a third-party management company, this is your membership.

Benefits Include: 

  • Access for all employees to register for all of our events and classes
  • Volunteer opportunities on ten committees 
  • National Apartment Association Membership
  • Access to purchase the National Apartment Association Click & Lease program
  • Access to the AMA legal forms library with over 45 lease forms, addenda, and non-compliance notices
  • Access to ask legal questions to our member lawyers
  • Tribute Awards nomination opportunities
  • Education classes are FREE for members (excluding certification courses)

Annual dues are $100 plus $3.58 per unit. There is a one-time $35 application fee at time of sign-up.  Once the membership application is approved, dues are nonrefundable. 

Please note: If your company joins on or after October 1st your dues payment will include a pro-rated amount for the remainder of the given year plus the next years dues.

Join as Independent Rental Owner (IRO)

Management Company

Professional management companies with properties in Arizona are encouraged to join membership along with their communities.  

Benefits Include: 

  • Access for corporate employees to register for all of our events and classes
  • Volunteer opportunities on ten committees 
  • National Apartment Association Membership
  • Reduced dues for each property managed by the management company that joins membership
  • Education classes are FREE for members (excluding certification courses)

Annual dues are $100 per year.  There is a one-time $35 application fee at time of sign-up.  

*This membership option only extends benefits to the management company and corporate employees.  Member benefits do not extend to any properties managed by the management company with this membership option.   Once the membership application is approved, dues are nonrefundable. 

Please note: If your company joins on or after October 1st your dues payment will include a pro-rated amount for the remainder of the given year plus the next years dues. 

Join as Management Company

Owner Managed Property

If you own and manage your own property in Arizona without a third-party management company, this is your membership.

Benefits Include: 

  • Access for all employees of the property to register for all of our events and classes
  • Volunteer opportunities on ten committees 
  • National Apartment Association Membership
  • Access to purchase the National Apartment Association Click & Lease program
  • Access to the AMA legal forms library with over 45 lease forms, addenda, and non-compliance notices
  • Access to ask legal questions to our member lawyers
  • Tribute Awards nomination opportunities
  • Education classes are FREE for members (excluding certification courses)

Annual dues are $100 plus $4.50 per unit. There is a one-time $35 application fee at time of sign-up.  Once the membership application is approved, dues are nonrefundable. 

Please note: If your company joins on or after October 1st your dues payment will include a pro-rated amount for the remainder of the given year plus the next years dues.  

Join as Owner Managed Property

Property - Active Mgmt Co

If your management company is already a member of the AMA, this is your option!

Benefits Include: 

Annual dues are $4.50 per unit.  There is a one-time $35 application fee at time of sign-up.  Once the membership application is approved, dues are nonrefundable. 

Please note: If your company joins on or after October 1st your dues payment will include a pro-rated amount for the remainder of the given year plus the next years dues.

Join as Property - Active Mgmt Co

Property - Non Member Mgmt Co

If your management company is not in membership but your property wants the benefits of joining the AMA, this is your option!

Benefits Include: 

  • Access for all employees of the property to register for all of our events and classes
  • Volunteer opportunities on ten committees 
  • National Apartment Association Membership
  • Access to purchase the National Apartment Association Click & Lease program
  • Access to the AMA legal forms library with over 45 lease forms, addenda, and non-compliance notices
  • Access to ask legal questions to our member lawyers
  • Tribute Awards nomination opportunities
  • Education classes are FREE for members (excluding certification courses)

Annual dues are $100 plus $4.50 per unit per year.  There is a one-time $35 application fee at time of sign-up. Once the membership application is approved, dues are nonrefundable. 

Please note: If your company joins on or after October 1st your dues payment will include a pro-rated amount for the remainder of the given year plus the next years dues.

Join as Property - Non Member Mgmt Co

Industry Partner

If you currently provide products and/or services to the multihousing industry, or if you want to, this is your membership!  Please note: If you are joining to attend a specific event, please call us to confirm registration is still open and available for that event! 

Benefits Include:

Annual dues are $426.  There is a one-time $35 application fee at time of sign-up.  Once the membership application is approved, dues are nonrefundable. 

Please note: If your company joins on or after October 1st your dues payment will include a pro-rated amount for the remainder of the given year plus the next years dues.

Join as Industry Partner

Industry Partner Branch

If your main office is already in membership and you would like to add a branch location to be listed in the membership directory, this membership is for you! 

Benefits Include:

  • Access to register for all of our events and classes
  • Sponsorship opportunities
  • Volunteer opportunities on nine committees
  • Separate listing from the main office in public Member Directory
  • National Apartment Association Membership
  • Education classes are FREE for members (excluding certification courses)

Annual dues are $100.  There is a one-time $35 application fee at time of sign-up.

*The main office must remain active and in good standing for this membership option to be available.  Franchise locations do not count as branches and do not qualify for an Industry Partner Branch membership.  Once the membership application is approved, dues are nonrefundable. 

Please note: If your company joins on or after October 1st your dues payment will include a pro-rated amount for the remainder of the given year plus the next years dues.

Join as Industry Partner Branch