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Better Government Fund Contribution

The Arizona Multihousing Association Better Government Fund (AMA BGF) is an industry defense fund used to independently support candidates and initiatives and to help support policies that strengthen the apartment industry in Arizona. The BGF provides our organization with the resources necessary to combat legal, regulatory and legislative issues aimed at harming the apartment industry. The BGF supports and advances policies to strengthen the rental housing industry.

AMA BGF can accept corporate contributions.

The 2019 AMA Board of Directors set a goal to raise $1 million by the end of 2020. Quickly surpassing that goal, a new goal was set in 2020 to raise $5 million by the end of 2025. It's no secret that the rental housing industry continues to face target attacks nationally and in Arizona. While it's tempting to ignore misguided policies like rent control and hope they won't impact Arizona, here's the truth: Regulatory changes are already being considered at the state and local levels of government in Arizona.

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