Photo of Burns Pest Elimination (Phoenix)

Burns Pest Elimination (Phoenix)

(602) 971-4782

Organization Overview

Burns Pest Elimination was founded in 1983. Burns is a service company that has achieved market leadership by providing highest quality services produced by great people. The Burns family remains actively involved, ensuring that the company always offers exceptional service to make sure your experience is one that has value, quality and success.
Troy Jensen
Troy Jensen Vice President of Sales
Ascary Armenta Account Executive - Bird/Rodent Division
Cory Burns District Manager
Mason Jensen Business Development Manager
Monica Chesley
Burns Pest Elimination (Tucson)
Burns Pest Elimination (Tucson) Tucson, AZ
AMA Logo Industry Partner

Vendor Service Category
Bed Bugs, Pest Control Services
Industry Partner Patron Level
Will provide services to Independent Rental Owners (1-100 units)
Service Region