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Organization Overview

BioteamAZ is a professional and discreet trauma and crime scene cleaning company. We provide services for unattended death cleanup, impact from homicide and suicide deaths, along with odor remediation, mold testing and remediation, hoarding cleanup, MRSA and C-Diff infectious disease cleaning throughout the entire state of Arizona.
Krystie Reeves
Krystie Reeves Trauma and Crime Scene Technician, odor control technician Owner
Matthew McFarlane
Matthew McFarlane IICRC Trauma and Crime Scene Technician, EPA Lead-Safe Renovation Contractor, Odor Control Owner
Sabrina Reed
Sabrina Reed Marketing Manager
AMA Logo Industry Partner

Vendor Service Category
Bio Hazard & Crime Scene Cleaning, Odor Elimination, Mold & Asbestos Testing & Remediation
Will provide services to Independent Rental Owners (1-100 units)
Service Region
Metro Phoenix, Metro Tucson, Statewide