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EPA 608 - Test Prep and Exam (Q1)

Thursday, March 20, 2025
9:00 AM - 2:30 PM (Arizona Time)

Event Details

This class is a review of the prep manual and should not be relied upon as the only prep for the exam. Studying of the manual prior to class is highly advised.

2025 EPA 608 Test Prep and Exam

Scholarships Available! Apply Here.

This course is designed to provide a forum to get final test prep and ask questions to better understand what will be on the test. 

Students should come to the class having already studied the material and completed a practice test (links to both will be included in the confirmation e-mail). 

Who should attend?

Technicians who maintain, service, repair, or dispose of equipment that could release refrigerants into the atmosphere must be certified.

We highly recommend a minimum of 6 months technician work experience prior to taking the study session/exam.

Please plan to bring your laptop.
This is a review course. The first two (2) hours are review, and the test will be administered in the final two (2) hours.
  • Member | $150
  • EPA Exam only | $75

*For more information about membership, click HERE.


March 20
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM EPA Test Prep and Q&A Session
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Lunch on your own (not provided)
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM Test (2 hour maximum)

For More Information:

Melissa Lanouette, CMP
Melissa Lanouette, CMP
Director of Events and Professional Development Arizona Multihousing Association (602)296-6205

Speaker: Devin DaSilva
Rainforest Plumbing and Air

Thank you to our Sponsor!


AMA Policy: No changes, refunds, or cancellations will be permitted within 10 days of an event for attendee registrations and within 30 days for sponsorships. Dates and prices subject to change. Registration via e-mail constitutes acknowledgment of terms and conditions.